- What is the BlackBerry AtHoc mobile app?
- Set up the BlackBerry AtHoc mobile app
- Add BlackBerry AtHoc to the app list in BlackBerry UEM
- Configure the Mobile App device in BlackBerry AtHoc
- Configure hardware key mapping for Samsung Knox devices
- Configure Samsung Knox key mapping using BlackBerry UEM
- Create an activation profile
- Add the Samsung Knox Service Plugin app
- Create the app configuration for key mapping for the Knox Service plug-in
- Add the BlackBerry AtHoc mobile app
- Assign the Knox Service plug-in and BlackBerry AtHoc to the user group
- Assign the Knox Service plug-in and BlackBerry AtHoc to end users
- Add an activation profile to your user profile
- Complete the configuration
- Configure Samsung Knox key mapping using Samsung Knox Manage
- Configure Samsung Knox key mapping using BlackBerry UEM
- Enable smart card authentication
- Enable Collaboration in BlackBerry AtHoc
- Enable organization subscription
- Data privacy statement
- BlackBerry AtHoc Mobile App FAQ
- BlackBerry AtHoc Customer Support Portal
- Documentation feedback
- Legal notice
Documentation feedback
BlackBerry AtHoc
documentation team strives to provide accurate, useful, and up-to-date technical documentation. If you have any feedback or comments about BlackBerry AtHoc
documentation, email athocdocfeedback@blackberry.com. Please include the name and version number of the document in your email.To view additional
BlackBerry AtHoc
documentation, visit https://docs.blackberry.com/en/id-comm-collab/blackberry-athoc. To view the BlackBerry AtHoc
Quick Action Guides, see https://docs.blackberry.com/en/id-comm-collab/blackberry-athoc/Quick-action-guides/latest.For more information about
BlackBerry AtHoc
products or if you need answers to questions about your BlackBerry AtHoc
system, visit the Customer Support Portal at https://www.blackberry.com/us/en/support/enterpriseapps/athoc.