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New in Release 2.10

The following section describes new and changed features in
release 2.10.
  • Social Media
    now supports sending messages to Twitter in Japanese.
  • CapCon service functions
    : The following CapCon service functions are now available from the task tray icon:
    • Start All: Starts the CapCon service and Java GUI-related processes.
    • Stop All: Stops the CapCon service, the Java GUI-related processes, removes the task tray notification icon, and stops the CapCon monitor (if enabled.)
    • Restart All: Performs all of the Stop All processes and then the Start All processes.
    • Restart GUI: Stops the Java GUI-related processes, removes the task try notification icon, and then starts the Java GUI-related processes.
    • Restart CapCon: Restarts the CapCon service.
    • Edit System_Private.config file: Runs Notepad as administrator and opens the system_private.config file.
    • View capnodelog: Opens the capnodelog file in Notepad for viewing.
  • CapNode GUI improvements
    : The CapNode GUI was updated to include a tab for editing TTS variables. A button for saving variable settings and restarting the CapCon service was added. A window was added to type text and have it played as a preview for calibration.