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Manage delivery templates for devices

All delivery devices use templates to communicate alert messages. For example, the template for a desktop pop-up window defines the background color, text color, window size, and any default content that is included in every alert, such as a "Click here for more information" link.
BlackBerry AtHoc
ships with system default templates for different devices, including email and desktop pop-ups, but you can select a different template when publishing an alert or creating or editing an alert template.
Use the Delivery Templates manager to modify existing templates and to create custom templates.
When configuring your organizations in the
BlackBerry AtHoc
management system,
BlackBerry AtHoc
customer support will work with you to set up the available delivery devices for alerts  including email, cell phones, and desktop pop-up windows.
The devices for which delivery templates are available in your system depend on the delivery devices and protocols in your
BlackBerry AtHoc
configuration. For example, not all types of email delivery and phone delivery have templates.