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Change organization grant

The change organization grant has been specifically designed for external applications that allow their users to switch between multiple organizations.
When the application has received an access token based on user credentials, the same access token can be used as the user’s identity to get new access tokens for organizations that the user has access to.
The response of this call is a new Access (and Refresh) token based on the user's permissions within the new organization. If the user is not authorized in this organization, an error is returned.
The following is a Postman request and response for the change_org grant:
Request and response for the change organization grant
The change organization grant type must be requested from 
BlackBerry AtHoc
 Customer Support for the provisioned application. The change organization grant is an add-on grant that can be added to any provisioned application using the implicit, authentication code, and password grants.
: https://<server>/AuthServices/Auth/connect/token
  • client_id
    : <client_id>
  • client_secret
    : <secret>
  • grant_type
    : change_org
  • scope
    : openid profile athoc.iws.web.api
  • acr_values
    : tenant:<org_code>
  • token
    : <current valid access token>
API Error Response
: If the user is not authorized for the given tenant (organization), the following error code is returned:
401: Unauthorized