Logging and reporting
BlackBerry 2FA
stores its log files in <install_dir>
\logs. There are four log files:- The bb2fa.log is the main log file that includes all the messages that theBlackBerry 2FAserver writes. For example, it includes startup and shutdown messages and messages related to the progress of authentication.
- The key_log.txt is the file that contains messages related to the creation and status of the keys that theBlackBerry 2FAserver requires to protect sensitive information such as passwords.
- The bb2fa-audit.log is a comma-delimited audit file that records each authentication request that theBlackBerry 2FAserver made.
- The winrun_log.txt is the file that contains messages specific to the startup and running of theBlackBerry 2FAserver when you run it inWindowsServices.
BlackBerry 2FA
uses the Apache log4j
tool for logging. By default, the BlackBerry 2FA
server writes log messages at the Info level. The
BlackBerry 2FA
server creates
new log and audit files daily. When the log or audit file is created, the previous log
or audit file is time-stamped as bb2fa.<date>
.log or b2fa-audit.log.<date>
.You can change the logging level and where .
BlackBerry 2FA
stores the log
and audit files using the log4j.properties file in <install_dir>
\bb2fa-config. For more information, visit
http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/ to read the Apache log4j
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