Enable BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
To allow devices to use
BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
, you must enable BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
in an enterprise connectivity profile and assign the profile to users and groups.When the enterprise connectivity profile is applied to the device after activation,
BlackBerry UEM
installs the BlackBerry Connectivity
app on the device (for Android Enterprise
devices, the app is installed automatically from Google
; for iOS
and iPadOS
devices, the app is installed automatically from the App Store
). - In the management console, on the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles > Networks and connections > Enterprise connectivity.
- Edit an existing enterprise connectivity profile or create a new one.
- If you created and configured one or more server groups to directBlackBerry Secure Connect Plustraffic to a specific regional path to theBlackBerry Infrastructure, in theBlackBerry Secure Connect Plus server groupdrop-down list, click the appropriate server group.
- Configure the appropriate values for the profile settings for each device type. For more information about each profile setting, see the Enterprise connectivity profile settings.
- ClickAdd.
- Assign the profile to groups or user accounts.If you assign an enterprise connectivity profile as the per-app VPN directly to anAndroidapp, the enterprise connectivity profile does not take effect. Assigning an enterprise connectivity profile directly to an app as the per-app VPN is supported foriOSapps only. ForAndroiddevices, assign the enterprise connectivity profile to user groups or to user accounts.
- OnAndroid EnterpriseandSamsung Knox Workspacedevices, theBlackBerry Connectivityapp prompts users to allow it to run as a VPN and to allow access to private keys on the device. Instruct users to accept the requests. Device users can open the app to view the status of the connection. No further action is required from users.
- If you created more than one enterprise connectivity profile, rank the profiles. Select a profile and click
to move the profile up or down the ranking. Click
Save. - If you are troubleshooting a connection issue with aniOS,iPadOS,Android EnterpriseorKnox Workspacedevice, the app allows the user to send the device logs to an administrator's email address (the user enters an email address that you must provide). Note that the logs are not viewable with Winzip. It is recommended to use another utility such as 7-Zip.