- Managing secure connections with BlackBerry UEM
- Managing work connections using profiles
- Setting up work Wi-Fi networks for devices
- Setting up work VPNs for devices
- Enabling and assigning per-app VPN settings
- Setting up proxy profiles for devices
- Using BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus for connections to work resources
- Server and device requirements for BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
- Enable BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
- Updating the BlackBerry Connectivity app
- Update the BlackBerry Connectivity app for Samsung Knox Workspace and Android Enterprise devices that don't have access to Google Play
- Enterprise connectivity profile settings
- Specify the DNS settings for the BlackBerry Connectivity app
- Optimize secure tunnel connections for Android devices that use BlackBerry Dynamics apps
- Troubleshooting BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
- Using BlackBerry 2FA for secure connections to critical resources
- Setting up up automatic authentication for iOS devices
- Specify DNS servers for iOS and macOS devices
- Specify email and web domains for iOS devices
- Control network usage for apps on iOS devices
- Create a web content filter profile on iOS devices
- Create an AirPrint profile for iOS devices
- Create an AirPlay profile for iOS devices
- Create an Access Point Name profile for Android devices
- Using PKI certificates with devices or apps
- Integrating BlackBerry UEM with your organization's PKI software
- Connect BlackBerry UEM to your organization’s Entrust software
- Connect BlackBerry UEM to your organization’s Entrust IdentityGuard server to use smart credentials
- Connect BlackBerry UEM to your organization's OpenTrust software
- Connect BlackBerry UEM to a BlackBerry Dynamics PKI connector
- Connect BlackBerry UEM to your organization’s app-based PKI solution
- Providing client certificates to devices and apps
- Sending certificates to devices and apps using profiles
- Sending CA certificates to devices and apps
- Sending client certificates to devices and apps using user credential profiles
- Create a user credential profile to connect to your BlackBerry Dynamics PKI connector
- Use Intercede MyID to provide derived credentials certificates to devices
- Sending client certificates to devices and apps using SCEP
- Send the same client certificate to multiple devices
- Specify the certificate used by an app using a certificate mapping profile
- Managing client certificates for user accounts
- Integrating BlackBerry UEM with your organization's PKI software
Create a CA certificate profile
Obtain the CA certificate file from your PKI administrator.
- In the management console, on the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles > Certificates > CA certificate.
- Click
- Type a name and description for the profile. Each CA certificate profile must have a unique name. Some names (for example, ca_1) are reserved.
- In theCertificate filefield, clickBrowseto locate the certificate file.
- If the CA certificate is sent tomacOSdevices, on themacOStab, in theApply profile todrop-down list, selectUserorDevice.
- ClickAdd.
Assign the CA certificate profile to user accounts, user groups, or device groups.