- Managing secure connections with BlackBerry UEM
- Managing work connections using profiles
- Setting up work Wi-Fi networks for devices
- Setting up work VPNs for devices
- Enabling and assigning per-app VPN settings
- Setting up proxy profiles for devices
- Using BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus for connections to work resources
- Server and device requirements for BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
- Enable BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
- Updating the BlackBerry Connectivity app
- Update the BlackBerry Connectivity app for Samsung Knox Workspace and Android Enterprise devices that don't have access to Google Play
- Enterprise connectivity profile settings
- Specify the DNS settings for the BlackBerry Connectivity app
- Optimize secure tunnel connections for Android devices that use BlackBerry Dynamics apps
- Troubleshooting BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
- Using BlackBerry 2FA for secure connections to critical resources
- Setting up up automatic authentication for iOS devices
- Specify DNS servers for iOS and macOS devices
- Specify email and web domains for iOS devices
- Control network usage for apps on iOS devices
- Create a web content filter profile on iOS devices
- Create an AirPrint profile for iOS devices
- Create an AirPlay profile for iOS devices
- Create an Access Point Name profile for Android devices
- Using PKI certificates with devices or apps
- Integrating BlackBerry UEM with your organization's PKI software
- Connect BlackBerry UEM to your organization’s Entrust software
- Connect BlackBerry UEM to your organization’s Entrust IdentityGuard server to use smart credentials
- Connect BlackBerry UEM to your organization's OpenTrust software
- Connect BlackBerry UEM to a BlackBerry Dynamics PKI connector
- Connect BlackBerry UEM to your organization’s app-based PKI solution
- Providing client certificates to devices and apps
- Sending certificates to devices and apps using profiles
- Sending CA certificates to devices and apps
- Sending client certificates to devices and apps using user credential profiles
- Create a user credential profile to connect to your BlackBerry Dynamics PKI connector
- Use Intercede MyID to provide derived credentials certificates to devices
- Sending client certificates to devices and apps using SCEP
- Send client certificates to devices using ACME
- Send the same client certificate to multiple devices
- Specify the certificate used by an app using a certificate mapping profile
- Managing client certificates for user accounts
- Integrating BlackBerry UEM with your organization's PKI software
- BlackBerry Docs
- BlackBerry UEM 12.21
- Managing secure connections
- Using PKI certificates with devices or apps
- Managing client certificates for user accounts
Managing client certificates for user accounts
You can add client certificates directly to individual user accounts or to a user credential profile assigned to the user account. Adding certificates directly to a user account is supported for
enabled devices or other managed iOS
and Android
devices. Uploading certificates to user credential profiles is supported for iOS
devices and Android Enterprise
devices.To allow users to upload certificates that they can use to connect to your work
network, work VPN, and work mail server, use a user credential profile, which can be associated with a Wi-Fi
, VPN, or email profile.If you have an on-premises environment and you upload certificates for
apps to user accounts, you should configure a time to live for user certificates. When the time to live ends, the certificates are deleted from the server.