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Server and device requirements for
BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus

To use
BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
, your organization's environment must meet the following requirements.
For the
BlackBerry UEM
  • Your organization's firewall must allow outbound connections over port 3101 to
    <region> and
    <region> If you configure
    to use a proxy server, verify that the proxy server allows connections over port 3101 to these subdomains.
  • In each
    instance, the
    BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
    component must be running.
  • By default,
    Android Enterprise
    devices are restricted from using
    BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
    to connect to
    Google Play
    and underlying services (,, and
    Google Play
    does not have proxy support.
    Android Enterprise
    devices use a direct connection over the Internet to
    Google Play
    . These restrictions are configured in the Default enterprise connectivity profile and in any new enterprise connectivity profiles that you create. It is recommended to keep these restrictions in place. If you remove these restrictions, you must contact
    Google Play
    support for the firewall configuration required to allow connections to
    Google Play
    BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
  • If you use an email profile to enable the
    BlackBerry Secure Gateway
    devices, it is a best practice to configure per-app VPN for
    BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
  • If your environment includes
    Knox Workspace
    Android Enterprise
    devices with
    BlackBerry Dynamics
    apps, see Optimize secure tunnel connections for Android devices that use BlackBerry Dynamics apps.
  • Optionally, you can install additional
    BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
    instances by installing more than one
    BlackBerry Connectivity Node
  • Optionally, you can create a server group to direct
    BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
    traffic to a specific regional path to the BlackBerry Infrastructure.
UEM Cloud
  • You must install the
    BlackBerry Connectivity Node
    or upgrade to the latest version. When you install or upgrade the
    BlackBerry Connectivity Node
    BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
    is also installed or upgraded. You must make sure that you activate the
    BlackBerry Connectivity Node
    before you enable
    BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
  • If you route the data that travels between
    BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
    and the
    BlackBerry Infrastructure
    through a TCP proxy server (transparent or SOCKS v5), you can configure the proxy settings using the
    BlackBerry Connectivity Node
    management console (General settings > Proxy).
For supported devices:
  • MDM controls activation type
  • DEP and non-DEP devices require the
    BlackBerry UEM Client
    to support
    BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
    . Shared
    devices are the exception to this requirement; shared
    devices use DEP activation and do not require the
    UEM Client
    to support
    BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
Android Enterprise
Any of the following activation types:
  • Work space only (Premium)
  • Work and personal - full control (Premium)
  • Work and personal - user privacy (Premium)
Samsung Knox Workspace
  • A supported version of
    Samsung Knox
  • Any of the following activation types:
    • Work and personal - full control (
      Samsung Knox
    • Work and personal - user privacy (
      Samsung Knox