Data flow: Updating firmware on Samsung Knox devices
Samsung Knox
devicesThis data flow describes how data travels when you use
Enterprise Firmware Over the Air to control when firmware updates from Samsung
are installed on devices. For more information, see Controlling the software releases that are installed on devices in the Administration content.
- An administrator adds aSamsungE-FOTA customer ID and license key toBlackBerry UEM.
- TheBlackBerry UEM Coresends the license information to theBlackBerry Infrastructureover a TLS connection.
- TheBlackBerry Infrastructureestablishes a TLS connection with theSamsungE-FOTA servers and provides the customer ID and license key.
- The E-FOTA server verifies the information and returns license information through theBlackBerry InfrastructuretoBlackBerry UEM Core.
- An administrator creates a device SR requirements profile and specifies aSamsungdevice model, language, and wireless service provider for a newSamsungdevice firmware rule.
- TheBlackBerry UEM Coreconnects to the E-FOTA server via theBlackBerry Infrastructureover a TLS connection and sends the specified criteria to the E-FOTA server.
- The E-FOTA server verifies the criteria and returns firmware information through theBlackBerry InfrastructuretoBlackBerry UEM Core.
- The administrator saves the new device SR requirements profile.
- TheBlackBerry UEM Coreconnects to the E-FOTA server via theBlackBerry Infrastructureover a TLS connection and sends the profile to theSamsungCloud.
- The administrator assigns the device SR requirements profile to one or more users.
- BlackBerry UEMsends the profile to theBlackBerry UEM Clienton the user'sSamsungdevice.
- TheSamsungdevice registers with the E-FOTA server.
- If a firmware update is available that meets the parameters specified in the device SR requirements profile, the E-FOTA server sends the update to the device.