Move the certificate into the BEMS keystore
keystore- Copy the keystore file to theBEMSkeystore. The keystore filename is bems.pfx or a non bems.pfx filename (for example, bemsnew.pfx).
- Stop theGood Technology Common Servicesservice from theWindowsService Manager.
- Navigate to<.drive>:\Program Files\BlackBerry\BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server\Good Server Distribution\gems-quickstart-<version>\etc\keystores
- In the keystores folder, rename the bems.pfx file to bems_bak.pfx.
- Copy the bems.pfx or the new keystore file (for example, bemsnew.pfx), file fromC:\bemscertto<.drive>:\Program Files\BlackBerry\BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server\Good Server Distribution\gems-quickstart-<version>\etc\keystores
- Rename the file to bems.pfx.