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Specify the entitlement ID and entitlement version for your app

Specifying the entitlement ID and version for your app enables Inter Container Communication (ICC) and other 
BlackBerry Dynamics
  1. Copy the 
     file from one of the sample apps that is included in the SDK and populate it with the configuration information for your 
    BlackBerry Dynamics
     app, including the entitlement ID (GDApplicationID) and entitlement version (GDApplicationVersion).
    You can also use this file to configure logging for the Android Debug Bridge console.
Sample contents of a settings.json file
{ "GDLibraryMode": "GDEnterprise", "GDApplicationID": "com.yourcompany.appname", "GDApplicationVersion": "", "GDConsoleLogger": [ "GDFilterErrors_", "GDFilterWarnings_", "GDFilterInfo", "GDFilterDetailed" ] }