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Adding the GDSafetyNet library to the app project

BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android
version 5.0 and later includes a GDSafetyNet library. To support SafetyNet, add this library to the app project dependencies along with the main GDLibrary.
The GDSafetyNet library includes all of the client-side source code that is required to support
. No additional app code is required. The GDSafetyNet library requires
Google Play
Services 11.0 or later to use device
APIs. Verify that your
BlackBerry Dynamics
app is dependent on only a single version of
Google Play
If your app does not use
Google Play
Services, you can add the following to the build.gradle file:
implementation ('com.blackberry.blackberrydynamics:android_handheld_gd_safetynet:$DYNAMICS_SDK_VERSION')
If your app uses the
Google Play
Services SDK, you can add the following to the build.gradle file (where xx.x.x is the specific play-services version):
implementation '' implementation("com.blackberry.blackberrydynamics:android_handheld_gd_safetynet:$DYNAMICS_SDK_VERSION") { transitive = false; }