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Use of centroids in the
Cylance Engine

Centroids are used to adjust the classification of a group of files by
AI between updates to the
Cylance Engine
. Centroids are produced whenever an adjustment is deemed necessary.
Cylance Engine
can read updated centroids in one of two ways. The first method is to read a file stored in a local file location; the
Cylance Engine
periodically checks this location to see if the file has been updated. These centroids must be downloaded manually as described in the Appendix: Cylance Infinity Data Service. Centroids downloaded manually include all released centroids for that model.
The second method is to retrieve automatically only the centroids that the
Cylance Engine
does not already have, whether they shipped with the
Cylance Engine
or were downloaded later, based on a manifest that contains a list of centroids for each of the models. Retrieving the manifest is a lightweight operation. The
Cylance Engine
then uses the manifest to download any centroids that it does not already have. The set of centroids downloaded in this manner may not match those retrieved via the Infinity Public Data API for distribution-efficiency reasons. For more information, see the ManifestCentroidUpdate section in Configuration file for the Cylance Engine.
, the
Root CA 1 certificate might not be installed automatically. This certificate is required to retrieve the manifest-based centroids. You can download the certificate from and import it into the
certificate store using the cert-sync utility that ships with