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Sentinel file

Each instance of
Cylance Engine
creates a sentinel file in the temporary directory that you can use to verify whether the service is running, the protocol that is being used, and the TCP port that it is listening on.
The sentinel file is a zero-length file with the configured port as the name of the file. It is created after all initialization is complete and right before the service starts listening for connections. The presence of the file indicates that the service is running and ready for requests.
You can specify the location of this sentinel file with the CYLANCE_TCP_SERVICE_TEMP_PATH environment variable. The path of the sentinel follows the pattern of:
  • $TEMP is the system default temporary directory or the directory specified by the CYLANCE_TCP_SERVICE_TEMP_PATH environment variable.
  • $pid is the process identifier for the instance of the service.
  • $protocol is the identifier for the protocol. Currently, this can be bpv1 for the Infinity Daemon Protocol or CERAv1 for the REST API.
  • $port is the configured port on which this instance is waiting.