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Getting model details

To retrieve information about the currently loaded models, in the command prompt, run the following command:
GET /apiv1/models/
The response is a JSON object with the details for all loaded models. The exact list of models may be different depending on how the service is configured and the exact version of the
Cylance Engine
The following example uses curl with the
Cylance Engine
running on the default port 9002.
For brevity, some curl output has been removed and a JSON pretty-printer has been applied to make the JSON easier to read. By default, curl prints the JSON raw, which is difficult to read.
$ curl http://localhost:9002/apiv1/models/ { "Status": "OK", "Models": [ { "Banner": "...", "ModelVersion": 131975059429967678, "SampleFormat": "ARC", "Generation": 1, "SubGeneration": "A", "EnsembleVersion": 5, "CentroidHash": 0 }, { "Banner": "...", "ModelVersion": "131774598312539083", "SampleFormat": "ELF", "Generation": 2, "SubGeneration": "A", "EnsembleVersion": 6, "CentroidHash": "3979322740683475419" }, { "Banner": "...", "ModelVersion": 132713821343850774, "SampleFormat": "MO", "Generation": 3, "SubGeneration": "A", "EnsembleVersion": 2, "CentroidHash": "7085422129475707133" }, { "Banner": "...", "ModelVersion": "132624646650794342", "SampleFormat": "MOFAT", "Generation": 1, "SubGeneration": "A", "EnsembleVersion": 1, "CentroidHash": 0 }, { "Banner": "...", "ModelVersion": "131764252418431270", "SampleFormat": "OLE", "Generation": 3, "SubGeneration": "A", "EnsembleVersion": 2, "CentroidHash": 0 }, { "Banner": "...", "ModelVersion": "131764272845001270", "SampleFormat": "OOXML", "Generation": 3, "SubGeneration": "A", "EnsembleVersion": 3, "CentroidHash": 0 }, { "Banner": "...", "ModelVersion": "132253137167261698", "SampleFormat": "PDF", "Generation": 3, "SubGeneration": "A", "EnsembleVersion": 3, "CentroidHash": 0 }, { "Banner": "...", "ModelVersion": "131786662583688997", "SampleFormat": "PE", "Generation": 6, "SubGeneration": "A", "EnsembleVersion": 9, "CentroidHash": "1359238976895146529" } ] }
In this example, the Banner lines have been truncated because they return long strings. Each object has the following keys:
This is the banner string from the ensemble containing the model release date and copyright information.
This is the version number of this model. This number can be used to access centroids for the model.
This is the format of the file accepted by the model (for example, "PE" or "MO").
This is the generation number of the model.
This is the sub-generation of the model.
This is the version of the ensemble. The version is incremented when new content is added (for example, when the default set of centroids is updated).
This is a 64-bit hash identifier for the set of centroids loaded into the model. A value of 0 means it has no centroids. Because this is a hash value, it can only be used to see if the set is different, but comparing two centroids' hashes does not indicate which set is newer.
You can retrieve information on a specific model by including the model version. In this example, only one model is returned.
GET /apiv1/models?ver=132253137167261698
You can also retrieve information for multiple models. In this second example, because you are requesting two models, the resulting JSON contains exactly two JSON objects.
GET /apiv1/models?ver=132253137167261698&ver=131786662583688997