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RESTful API (CERA) protocol uses standard HTTP or HTTPS for sending commands and receiving the responses. The curl utility can be used to score or retrieve threat indicators for files. In addition, cera-client is an example CERA client that uses the Python requests library. Cera-client provides a convenient command-line interface for scoring or explaining directories of files with a controllable degree of parallelism.
The default protocol is the Infinity Daemon Protocol. To use the CERA protocol, you must enable the Infinity Daemon Protocol in the
TcpService.ini configuration file or via a command-line option. On the command line, the
option specifies which protocol to use for this invocation only. The valid values are:
  • 'InfinityDaemonClient' or 'IDP': enables the default Infinity Daemon Protocol.
  • 'CylanceEngineRestApi', 'CERA', or 'REST': enables the new RESTful API (
    Microsoft .NET
    5.0 or later only).
The entries are not case-sensitive (for example, 'CERA', 'cera', and 'Cera' are all treated the same).
Similarly, the protocol can be specified in the
TcpService.ini configuration file:
[Service] Protocol=REST
This example makes the REST protocol the default for all invocations unless it is overridden via the
command-line option. The options for this setting are the same as the options described above for the
command-line option.
The port setting in the .ini configuration file and the
option specify the port that the
Cylance Engine
lists for incoming REST connections via HTTP only. Another option allows for HTTPS connections when the service is properly configured. In the examples below,
is being run on the same machine with the default TCP port (9002) so all connections are to localhost:9002 or