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BlackBerry® AtHoc® set up and administration overview

Administrators create, configure, and manage the organization settings that operators use to communicate with their recipients as well as with other organizations. Setup includes configuring the features used by operators to communicate during situations. This guide covers the following administration tasks:
  • The Configure BlackBerry AtHoc settings section describes how to configure the features provided by
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    to communicate and coordinate with teams and recipients during a crisis. The following topics are covered in this section:
    • Basic settings: Personalize your organization with a name, welcome or disclaimer text, and an icon. Enable and configure enterprise features, including user move and organization subscription. Map enterprise organizations to a super enterprise organization. Customize the time zone and time formats, create a security policy message, and control default page layouts. Configure settings for maps and external events.
    • Manage system settings: Configure the name, URL, time zone, database archive directory, system help desk information, support page content, redirection settings, client certificates, and disclaimers for your system.
    • Security policy settings: Define password rules and complexity, enforce system-wide password updates, set session timeout, limit active sessions, configure smart card authentication settings, and enable CAPTCHA validation.
    • Monitor system health: Create, view, edit, enable, disable, delete, and refresh system health monitors.
    • View the diagnostic log: Run basic and advanced searches of the diagnostic log.
    • View geolocation transactions and logs: View geocoding transactions and access their detailed logs.
    • Organizations Manager: Create organizations, enable and disable features, manage integrated device agents, provision applications for the web API, view the operator audit trail report and the alerts usage summary report. To create or migrate an existing set of organizations to an enterprise or to create a super enterprise organization, see the guide.
    • Manage system jobs: View details about system jobs, create and export a system diagnostics report.
    • Configure device gateways: Configure the mobile app and
      Cloud Delivery Service gateways.
    • Configure devices: Enable and disable devices, manage mass communication devices, configure giant voice devices, configure the
      AtHoc Connect
      organization network, manage the Cloud Services gateway, configure RSS and XML feed information and failover delivery gateways.
    • Configure desktop app settings: Select general desktop software options, customize the desktop client system tray, configure client server communications and failover settings, and set the desktop software authentication type.
  • The Manage SMS Opt-In section describes how to configure and activate SMS Opt-In and how to create event codes.
  • The Configure device gateways section describes how to configure settings for the
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    mobile app, and how to configure mobile phone notification.
  • The Configure devices overview section describes how to enable and duplicate devices in
    BlackBerry AtHoc
  • The Configure devices section describes how to enable and disable devices, set device delivery priority, manage mass communication devices, and view and edit device details.
For information about creating and managing alert templates, specifying alert folders, managing delivery templates, and managing audio settings, see the guide.
For information about managing settings for incoming alerts, see the guide.
For information about granting permissions for working with
AtHoc Connect
and updating sector visibility in the Connect profile, see the guide.
For information about settings related to users and user attributes, including creating, deleting, and editing user attributes and automatically disabling or deleting users based on attributes, see the guide.