What's new in BlackBerry AtHoc 7.18
BlackBerry AtHoc
7.18These release notes contain information about new and changed functionality for BlackBerry® AtHoc® release 7.18. For more information about
BlackBerry AtHoc
or its related functionality, see the BlackBerry AtHoc
documentation here: https://docs.blackberry.com/en/id-comm-collab/blackberry-athoc.Super Enterprise
- Administrators in super enterprise and enterprise organizations can now create alert templates in the super enterprise or enterprise and configure them to be inherited to their sub enterprises and suborganizations.
- Alert folders and alert placeholders created in a super enterprise organization are now automatically inherited by sub enterprises and suborganizations.
For more information, see "Inherited content and settings in the enterprise or super enterprise" in the guide.
BlackBerry AtHoc
Plan and Manage Enterprise OrganizationsSection 508-compliance improvements
The following 508-compliance improvements were made:
- Keyboard navigation in the following areas:
- Diagnostic Log settings page
- System Jobs settings page
- Inbox
- Keyboard navigation, text-to-speech readability, color contrast, accessible images and form elements in the following areas:
- Top navigation bar
- Change Organization page
- Change Password page
- Log In page
- Sent Alerts page
Modified APIs
The following APIs were modified to support bilingual alert publishing:
- GET /orgs/{orgCode}/alerts/{auId}: Returns alert details for the specified organization.
- GET /orgs/{orgCode}/alerttemplates/{templateCommonName}: Returns alert template details for the specified common name.
- POST /orgs/{orgCode}/alerts: Publishes an alert using a template.
Management system
- Advanced reports performance: The load time for advanced reports for sent alerts in organizations that have a large number of sent alerts was improved.
- Alert template type: A new "Exercise" type was added for alert and accountability event templates.
- Integrated Weather Alerts filtering: Test alerts sent from the NWS CAP system are now automatically filtered out from Integrated Weather Alerts to prevent end users from receiving too many irrelevant test alert messages.
- Live map shape file: A descriptive error message displays on the Map Settings > Add Shape Layer dialog if an attempt is made to import a shape file that contains invalid parameters.
- Preview and Save page: A Reset Content button was added to the Preview and Save page that enables operators to reset edits made to alert content for Email delivery.
- Publisher map user export: Batch user exporting was added to the publisher map. When exporting more than 25,000 users, operators must select a batch of users to export from a drop-down menu. Only 25,000 users can be exported from the publisher map in a single export.
- Sent alerts: The default order of alerts displayed on the Sent Alerts page was updated so that live alerts are displayed before draft, scheduled, or ended alerts. Previously, draft and scheduled alerts were displayed before live alerts.
- Service operator accounts: A new Service Account option was added to operator profiles. Use this option to designate an operator account as a service account for use in other features such as the API, User Sync, or SMS Opt-In. Service accounts cannot be disabled, deleted, or have their operator permissions revoked automatically. For more information, see "Grant operator permissions to a user" in the guide.
AtHoc Connect
Connect alerts with attachments
: Incoming Connect alert rules that trigger Connect alerts with attachments are sent immediately after all attachments are received, or after ninety seconds. If any attachments are not processed within the ninety seconds, they are not included in any triggered Connect alerts. The attachments will appear in the Inbox with the received alert after they are processed.Mobile App 4.13
- Alert publishing: The alert details and publishing summary pages were updated so that phone numbers are links that open the phone dialer.
- OS support: Support for Android 9 and iOS 14 was deprecated.
- Scheduled Location Access message change: The notification message that appears when Scheduled Location Access starts was updated for clarity.
- Patent notice: The BlackBerry patent notice was added to the About Us page.
Desktop App 7.5 (Windows)
Patent notice
: The BlackBerry patent notice was added to the About Us page.Integrations
- UEM Notifications Support for the Valhalla, Wolverine, and Xalibu UEM releases was added.
- ServiceNow 2.0.15: Support for the ServiceNow Utah release was added.
- 6.0.0.x Migration to .NET: The IIM is made of the following modules: Relay input card, text-to-speech, serial port, interface toBlackBerry AtHoc, encoders, logging, UI, license manager, and watch dog. Each of these modules were translated into .NET from JAVA. During the migration from Java version to .NET version, the design and architecture of all IIM modules and interfaces were not modified. The features and functionality are unchanged in the .NET version of the IIM from the Java version. IIM was migrated from a Java to a .NET code base on Windows 2012 and 2016 for the following integrations:
- INFP 16
- FIPS 140-2 compliance: IIM was made FIPS 140-2 compliant by removing the Md5.cs library and replacing the SharpZip library with a secure FIPS 140-2-compliant library for the following integrations:
- American Signal V2
- Federal Signal (FedSig)