Encrypt the connection between BlackBerry UEM and Microsoft SQL
BlackBerry UEM
and Microsoft SQL
You can configure an encrypted connection between
BlackBerry UEM
and Microsoft SQL
. By default, the connection is not encrypted.
- When you upgradeUEM, the encryption settings are not retained. After the upgrade, you must repeat steps 3 and on to encrypt the connection again.
- Please note that the encrypted connection can result in an increase in the UOS CPU on the computer that hosts theBlackBerry UEM Core.
- On the computer that hosts theSQL Server, in theMicrosoftManagement Console, use the certificates snap-in to request the computer certificate (select the computer account, Certificates (Local Computer) > right-click Personal > All Tasks > Request New Certificate). You should see the certificate in Certificates (Local Computer) > Personal > Certificates.Depending on howSQL Serveris configured, you may need to grant permissions to the certificate to theSQL Serveraccount.
- In theSQL ServerConfiguration Manager, navigate to the Network Configuration and open the Properties for theSQL ServerProtocols. On the Certificate tab, select the computer certificate. Restart theSQL Serverservice.
- In theMicrosoftManagement Console, use the certificates snap-in to export the computer certificate from the personal store (personal.cer). Copy the certificate to each computer that hosts aUEMinstance.
Complete these steps on every computer that hosts a
UEM Core
instance:- Navigate to and double-click the personal certificate (personal.cer). View the parent certificate (parent.cer) and export and save it to the same folder that contains the personal certificate (for example, C:\blackberry\certs\).
- Open the command prompt and run the following commands to import the personal and parent certificates to theJavakeystore and generate a trust store:keytool -importcert -keystore "<path_to_Java_CA_certs_store>" -storepass<CA_certs_store_password>-file<path_to_personal_cert>-alias personal keytool -importcert -keystore "<path_to_Java_CA_certs_store>" -storepass<CA_certs_store_password>-file<path_to_parent_cert>-alias parent keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias personal -file<path_to_personal_cert>-keystore<path_to_folder_with_personal_and_parent_certs>\truststore.jks -storepass<password_to_set_for_trust_store>-storetype JKSFor example:keytool -importcert -keystore "c:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jre-\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit -file c:\blackberry\certs\personal.cer -alias personal keytool -importcert -keystore "c:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jre-\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit -file c:\blackberry\certs\parent.cer -alias parent keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias personal -file c:\blackberry\certs\personal.cer -keystore c:\blackberry\certs\truststore.jks -storepass password -storetype JKS
- Stop allUEMservices.
- In C:\Program Files\BlackBerry\UEM\common-settings, copy and renamedb.propertiesto create a backup database properties file.
- Opendb.properties.
- In theSQL Serverencryption settings section, configure the following settings (you do not need to change any other settings):configuration.database.ng.encrypt=true configuration.database.ng.trustservercertificate=false configuration.database.ng.truststore=<path_to_the_jks_trust_store_generated_in_step_2>configuration.database.ng.truststorepassword=<password_for_jks_trust_store_generated_in_step_2>
- Save and closedb.properties.
- Restart theUEMservices.