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Multi-Tenant Console 5.3.2 Release Notes

Fixed issues

In the Tenant Conversion tab, if you searched for a tenant with accent marks in the name, no search results were returned. (MSSP-7135)
If you logged in with a read-only account and opened the details panel for an individual alert, the "Detection Details" button may have displayed and led to an error when clicked. (MSSP-7063)
If a partner user was assigned a custom role that did not have Roles permission and tried to edit a user, the input fields did not load and a spinner spun indefinitely beside each field. (MSSP-7024)
When importing a file for external device exclusion to an existing linked policy template, an error message was displayed. (EPCL-1632)
The migration of a tenant from
Support to a partner as a support administrator resulted in an error in the US government regions. (MSSP-7012)

Known issues

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are new for this release.
*In the Tenant Conversion tab, if you search for a tenant, partner tenants may be included in the search results. (MSSP-6727)
If you keep the
Multi-Tenant Console
idle for over an hour and try to navigate through it, an error message displays instead of a session logout. (MSSP-7057) 
Refresh the page and log in again.
The migration of a tenant from
Support to a direct customer and then back to
Support results in an error in the US government regions. (MSSP-7005)
When you edit a tenant's name in the
Multi-Tenant Console
, you cannot save your changes. (MSSP-6584)
If you make changes to CylanceOPTICS in a bulk update request when it is disabled, the bulk update report does not specify that CylanceOPTICS is not available. (MSSP-6411) 
If an error occurs when you are creating a linked policy template, the error message remains on the screen until you remove it. (MSSP-5775)
After you edit the name of a linked policy template, a progress spinner might display on the "Tenants Linked To" column and the column is not updated. (MSSP-5768)
If you name a linked policy template "Default", you cannot edit the name. (EPPCL-1396)
When you open a policy template, and click File Actions, the Auto-Delete Quarantine option might be cut off. (MSSP-5615)