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Install the CylanceGATEWAY Connector to a Microsoft Azure Environment

Eleven simple steps to install the CylanceGATEWAY Connector to a Microsoft Azure environment

To install the CylanceGATEWAY Connector to a Microsoft Azure environment, review the hardware requirements and ensure that you meet the following requirements:

Screenshot of Software Downloads screen

1. Download the CylanceGATEWAY Connector VHD file

You can download the cylance-gateway-connector-fixed-<version>.vhd file from myAccount.

Screenshot of Microsoft sign in screen

2. Sign in to the Microsoft Azure management portal

To sign in to the portal, go to

Screenshot of Storage accounts screen

3. To upload the VHD file as a blob, click Storage accounts

Click your storage account. If you don’t have a storage account, create one.

Screenshot of Containers screen

4. Click Containers and click your container

If you don’t have a container, create one.

Screenshot of upload button on Container screen

5. Click Upload

In the Files field, upload the cylance-gateway-connector-fixed-<version>.vhd file. Expand Advanced, set Blob type to Page blob, and click Upload.

Screenshot of path to Images service

6. Search for the Images service

Click the portal menu > All Services. In the filter services field, type images. Verify that Images uses the resource type Microsoft.Compute/images.

Screenshot of Create an image screen

7. Create an image

In Images, click Create and complete the required fields.

In the OS disk section, specify the following:

  • OS Type: Linux
  • VM Generation: Gen 1
  • Storage blob: Navigate to the blob that you created.

Optionally, you can add tags from the Tags tab.

To complete your image, click Review + Create > Create.

Screenshot of Go to resource button

8. Click Go to resource

After Azure creates your image, the Go to resource button takes you to your image.

Screenshot of Basics tab on Create a virtual machine screen

9. Create a virtual machine

On your image’s overview, click Create VM.

On the Basics tab, specify the following settings:

  • Image: Select the image that you created.
  • Size: Select a size with that includes 2 vCPUs and a minimum of 5 GB memory.
  • Authentication type: Select Password.
  • Username, Password, and Confirm password: Enter any values. These field is required, but it is disregarded by the CylanceGATEWAY Connector.
Screenshot of Disks tab

10. Complete the required fields in the remaining tabs

On the Disks tab, in the OS disk type drop-down list, select Standard HDD.

On the Networking tab, complete the required fields for your environment. Ensure that the connector image uses your private network.

On the Management tab, configure the settings as required for your environment.

On the Advanced tab, configure the settings as required for your environment.

On the Tags tab, configure tags as required for your environment.

Screenshot of Review and create tab

11. Complete your VM confirmation

On the Review + create tab, review your configuration.

To complete the configuration, click Create.

Screenshot of installed CylanceGATEWAY Connector

That's it!

You have successfully installed the CylanceGATEWAY Connector to your Microsoft Azure environment.

Note that a timeout error message might display when the VM resource is created. If necessary, refresh the screen.

After you install the CylanceGATEWAY Connector to your Azure environment, you must configure your firewall and enroll the CylanceGATEWAY Connector with the BlackBerry Infrastructure. For more information about setting up the CylanceGATEWAY Connector, see Setting up the CylanceGATEWAY Connector.