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Send a file

Send a copy of a file to send a link to a file in one of your workspaces to another user. Recipients receive a link to access the file copy. Each time you use the send a copy action, a new instance of the file is created in 
BlackBerry Workspaces
. The file copy you now share with the user(s) selected during the send process, is located and manageable from your Sent files area. 
  1. Select the file that you want to make a copy of and send to someone else.
  2. In the action toolbar, click Send a copy.
  3. Click 
     and set the desired settings and access permissions.
  4. Click 
     to return to the message.
  5. Enter the recipient name, email address, or distribution list, and then press Enter.
  6.  If desired, change the subject of the notification email and add a personal message. 
  7.  Click 
    Notify recipients
     to notify users that a file was sent to them.
  8.  Click 