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Get user details

This API can be used to obtain basic user details such as the username and display name. For more information, see SDK envelope request.
The payload type is GET-USER. The payload content should be in the following format:
<user> <userId>userId</userId> <mid>user name</mid> </user>
Mandatory nodes
Either the <mid> or the <userId> node must be populated. If both are populated, <userId> will take priority over <mid>.
  • <mid> is a mapping-id used to uniquely identify the user between the systems. The MID value can be any alphanumeric string, between 2 and 80 characters
  • <userId> is an existing numeric 
    BlackBerry AtHoc
The response payload is returned in the following format:
<user> <userId>userId</userId> <mid>user name</mid> <userName>UserLoginName</userName> <displayName>User Full Name</displayName> <firstName>User First Name</firstName> <lastName>User Last Name</lastName> <pin>User PIN</pin> <status> VLD | DSB </status> <customFields> <field id="numeric id" commonName="">Field value(s)</field> ... </customFields> <devices> <device id="numeric id" commonName="">Device Address</device> ... </devices> </user>