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Distribution lists synchronization response

The response format is as follows:
<output> <distributionLists> <!-- For each input list we will create corresponding output xml Along with list information, we will create a new attribute called result and generate a value with "OK" | "ERROR" | "WARNING" --> <list type="STATIC" id="id" commonName="common name" result="ERROR | OK | WARNING > <!-- For new list name tag will be created --> <name>Group1</name> <!-- if new list and name is not provided we will generate error <!-- Here is the sample error no and err desc --> <Error>err no</Error> <description>err desc</description> <!-- If members are provided, if there is any invalid member we will create invalid member list --> <invalidMembers> <!-- Following members were not found within target system and ignored --> <user mid="user id" /> <list type="STATIC" id="" commonName="common name" /> </invalidMembers> </list> . . <list type="STATIC" id="id" commonName="common name" result ="WARNING" > <name>Group2</name> <invalidMembers> <user mid="user-mid" /> <list type="STATIC" id="" commonName="common name" >This list creates a circular reference via nesting, cannot be added as child list.</list> </invalidMembers> </list> </distributionLists> </output>
The specific error and warning codes are:
Error code
Error description
Sync Source is Mandatory
Invalid Sync Source
New List default folder location is invalid
List common name already exist; please provide new unique List common name
List Name mandatory for new List
List folder not valid