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Phone number validation

An Emergency Mass Notification System is only as effective as the contact information it contains. For this reason, 
BlackBerry AtHoc
 is always looking to improve both the quality and quantity of contact details for end users. 
BlackBerry AtHoc
 release added a new phone number validation feature that applies to all phone numbers, no matter which country they belong to. It also enforces clean data wherever data can be entered.
The validation feature gives operators higher confidence before an alert is sent that end users with phone numbers are reachable. One way it does this is by ensuring that end users completing self-service profiles enter actual phone numbers, instead of invalid data such as “No Phone” or “N/A.” Validating phone numbers when they are created in the system makes the alerting process more rapid and efficient by preventing the Telephony Delivery Service from wasting time trying to send telephone notifications to invalid numbers.
BlackBerry AtHoc
 introduced this feature alongside other improvements for customers operating outside or calling users who are outside the United States. Validated phone numbers can be stored in the internationally recognized E.164 format, ensuring that alerts sent by delivery services deployed throughout the world will reach their destinations.
Areas of the system that validate phone numbers
The following inputs will use the same set of phone number validation rules:
  • AtHoc SDK
  • LDAP/Active Directory Sync module
  • CSV Import
  • Self Service
  • User Details page in the Management System
Validation rules
The following validation rules are delivered by a third-party open source component. For more information, see:
  1. E.164 international format is preferred and is always accepted.
    • The number should start with + followed by the country code and then the full number to call. A maximum of 15 digits can be used.
    • For example: +18884628462
  2. Numbers can have an extension.
    • The user interface has a separate field for telephone extensions. When importing numbers, an x should be used to separate the main number from the extension.
    • When dialing, the Telephony Delivery Service will wait for the call to connect before dialing the extension.
    • For example: +18884628462x1340
    • Unlike the phone number field, the extension field is not validated.
  3. Numbers not in E.164 are interpreted based on the Default Country Code for the Organization.
    • The Default Country Code can be set on the General Settings screen in the Phone Call Settings section.
    • For example, for the Country Code “US,” the following rules apply:
      • If the number starts with 011, which is the international exit code from within US, it will be replaced with +.
      • If the number contains only 10 digits, it will be stored as +1 followed by the number.
      • If the number contains 11 digits and starts with 1, it will be stored as +1 followed by the number.
      • For example: (888) 462-8462 will be interpreted as +18884628462
  4. Common formatting punctuation is ignored.
    • The following characters are removed: ().-_
    • For example: +1 (888) 462-8462 will be interpreted as +18884628462.
    • If you are using control characters such as , (comma) or # (pound sign), they must be in the extension field.
  5. If the number contains letters, they will be converted to numbers according to a standard keypad.
    • For example: (888) Go 
       will be converted to +18884628462.
  6. If the number starts with +, it will be assumed to be an international number.
    • For example: A number starting with +440 will dial the UK, even though 440 is a valid US area code.
Best practices
Send all numbers in E.164 format. Although E.164 format is not required, it is the best way to send a number to the system, especially if user data can contain numbers from different countries.
Make sure you set the correct Default Country Code in the Phone Call Settings section on the General Settings screen. This specifies what country is the default for user-entered phone numbers. This also is used to interpret phone numbers that are not in E.164 format.
If the number contains any special control characters that must be dialed, such as , (comma) ; (semicolon) * (asterisk) or # (pound sign), the characters must be part of the extension. This is especially important for numbers that connect to a conference bridge.
Special note
If you are unable to comply with the new validation rules, fields that do not contain valid phone numbers will not be updated.
BlackBerry AtHoc
 versions and earlier , you must continue to use 011 instead of + at the beginning of all international phone numbers.
BlackBerry AtHoc
 version and later release fully support the leading + method. Dialing 011 will continue to be supported after upgrade to for organizations with a US country code since 001 is the US exit code.