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Distribution lists definition XML

See the SDK Envelope format specification in this guide for more information.
The payload type is 
The payload content should be in the following format:
<distributionListSync> <syncSource>unique-ID-of-source</syncSource> <operator id="operator-id" >operator-username</operator> <isFullSync>Y|N</isFullSync> <newListDefaultFolder>list-folder-location</newListDefaultFolder> <distributionLists> <list type="STATIC" id="list-id" commonName="list-common-name" > <name>List-Name</name> <description>List-Description</description> <folder>list-folder-location</folder> <members> <user mid="member-user-mid" /> <user mid="member-user-mid" /> . . <list commonName="nested-member-list-common-name" /> <list commonName="nested-member-list-common-name" /> . . </members> </list> . . </distributionLists> </distributionListSync>
Mandatory nodes
Sync Source is predefined within the 
BlackBerry AtHoc
 system. If the given source is not found within the 
BlackBerry AtHoc
 system, import fails and an error occurs. Build-in sync source includes: AD,ROSTER,GROUP-SYNC
This node represents a single list that is updated within the 
BlackBerry AtHoc
One of these attribute nodes is mandatory for identifying the list uniquely. commonName contains the unique ID of the list within source system. Id refers to unique ID of the list within 
BlackBerry AtHoc
 system (can be specified for existing lists during updates).
Mandatory for creating new lists. It is used to check the list's existence in the 
BlackBerry AtHoc
 system. If <name> is not specified for new lists, import of the particular list fails. 
Optional nodes
This attribute node is optional and by default it is set to STATIC.
This node can contain the operator user name or ID within the 
BlackBerry AtHoc
If specified, this operator is granted full permissions (targeting and management) to imported distribution lists. Otherwise, the SDK user is the default owner of these lists.
If an invalid value is specified, an error occurs and the import of lists is aborted.
The default is N (No).
When specified as Y (Yes), import performs a full sync on lists. The lists from 
BlackBerry AtHoc
 are removed if they no longer exist in the source.
When specified as N (No), import updates existing lists or creates new ones. However, missing lists from the source are not removed from the 
BlackBerry AtHoc
This node specifies the Distribution List folders location within the 
BlackBerry AtHoc
 system as the slotting folder for newly created lists. This node is not used when updating existing lists.
If unspecified, the default folder location for new lists is the root folder. 
If an invalid value is specified, an error occurs and import of all lists is aborted.
If the description is not specified, the description for existing lists does not change. If a description is specified, it applies to all existing lists.
If not specified, new lists are slotted in the default location. The location of existing lists is unaffected. If specified, the new location applies to all new and existing lists.
If the specified folder path is invalid, an error occurs and import of the particular list is ignored.
If not specified, existing members in existing lists are unaffected.
If specified with no members defined inside, all members are removed from existing lists.
If members are specified, they are added as members of a given list.
  • <user mid=”user-mid” />
    This node contains the mid of the end user who is a member of the existing list.
  • <list commonName="Group2" />
    This node contains the common name of the existing list within the 
    BlackBerry AtHoc
     system that is a member of the existing list. No circular nesting in lists is allowed in 
    BlackBerry AtHoc
     and if this is violated, a warning is issued and the nesting of offending list is ignored.