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View tracked users for a geofence

  • You must be a Geofence Manager, Enterprise Administrator, Organization Administrator, or System Administrator to view the tracked users for a geofence.
  1. In the side navigation bar, click The Geofence Manager icon >
    . The Geofences panel opens. The The Geofence Active Users icon indicates the number of active users in a geofence.
  2. On the
    panel, in the row for a geofence, click The Geofence Ellipsis >
  3. On the
    Edit Geofence
    panel, click the link that displays the number of users in the
    Tracked Users
    section. The Tracked Users dialog appears, displaying all tracked users in the geofence.
  4. Optionally, on the
    Tracked Users
    dialog, do any of the following:
    • Click any column header to sort the display alphabetically by that column's values.
    • Enter a name in the The Geofence Search Name icon
      Search names
      field to search for a tracked user by display name, username, first name, or last name.
    • Click The Geofence Columns icon
      to toggle the display of any column on or off. Each column represents a user attribute. Organization hierarchy and dynamic hierarchy type attributes are not supported.
    • Click The Geofence Filters icon
      to narrow the display of tracked users by display name, username, first name, or last name.
    • Click The Geofence Density icon
      to adjust the height of rows in the display.