Edit a geofence
- You must be a Geofence Manager, Enterprise Administrator, Organization Administrator, or System Administrator to create a geofence.
- In the side navigation bar, click
Geofences. - On theGeofencespanel, in the row for a geofence, click
Edit. - On theEdit Geofencepanel, in theBasicsection, do any of the following:
- Select theActiveorInactivestatus option.
- Update the name and description for the geofence. The Name field has a 100 character limit. The Description field has a 300 character limit. The following special characters are not allowed: ` ! $ % & ^ = . ; \ : ? " < > | [ ].
- In theTagssection, add up to 5 tags. Select a predefined tag, or type to create a new tag. PressEnteron your keyboard to save the tag. The following special characters are not allowed: ` ! $ % & ^ = . ; \ : ? " < > | [ ]. Click
to remove a tag.
- On the geofence map, click to move the location of the geofence or change its shape. This option is available only for geofences created by drawing a shape on the map. The shapes of geofences created from imported shape layers cannot be modified.
- On theEdit Geofencepanel, in theTracked Userssection, do any of the following:
- Click the link that displays the number of users in theTracked Userssection. The Tracked Users dialog appears, displaying all tracked users in the geofence.
- Click theUSERStab. ClickADD USERSto add additional tracked users to the geofence. On theAdd Usersdialog, select the users to track. ClickAPPLY.
- Click theDISTRIBUTION LISTStab. Click inside theDistribution Listsfield and then select the distribution lists to include from the pull-down menu. Click anywhere outside of theDistribution Listsfield to exit the distribution list selector.
- Click
to remove a tracked user.
- ClickSave.