Create a geofence
Create geofences to track the location of your users. The entry and exit times of users who enter or leave the geofence are tracked.
- You must be a Geofence Manager, Enterprise Administrator, Organization Administrator, or System Administrator to create a geofence.
- In the side navigation bar, click
Create Geofence. The Create Geofence panel opens. - On the map, do any of the following:
- Click
to search for a location on the map.
- Click
to open the drawing tools panel and then draw a shape on the map.
- Select an existing shape on the map.
- Select an imported shape layer on the map. To display an imported shape layer, click
to open the Imported Shape Layers panel. Toggle the switch for the shape layer to display it on the map.
- On theCreate Geofencepanel, in theBasicsection, select theActiveorInactivestatus option. Active is selected by default. Inactive geofences do not appear on the map. User entries and exits are tracked only in active geofences.
- In theBasicsection, enter a name and description for the geofence. The Name field has a 100 character limit. The Description field has a 300 character limit. The following special characters are not allowed: ` ! $ % & ^ = . ; \ : ? " < > | [ ].
- In theTagsfield, add up to 5 tags. Select a predefined tag, or type to create a new tag. PressEnteron your keyboard to save the tag. The following special characters are not allowed: ` ! $ % & ^ = . ; \ : ? " < > | [ ].
- In theTracked Userssection, do either of the following to add tracked users to the geofence. At least one active user must be selected. Operators with userbase restrictions see only users they have access to.
- Click theUSERStab. ClickADD USERS. On theAdd Usersdialog, select the users to track. ClickAPPLY. You can select up to 50 users.
- Click theDISTRIBUTION LISTStab. Click inside theDistribution Listsfield and then select the distribution lists to include from the pull-down menu. Click anywhere outside of theDistribution Listsfield to exit the distribution list selector.
The number of tracked users is displayed in the Tracked Users section. Click the number of tracked users to open theTracked Usersdialog and view information about the tracked users. - ClickSave.