Create a health monitor
Global health monitors monitor the connectivity between
cloud services (PSS) and the BlackBerry AtHoc
management system.- Log in to theSystem Setup (3)organization as a system administrator.
- In the navigation bar, click .
- UnderSystem Setup, clickGlobal System Health.
- On theSystem Visibility Consolescreen, clickCreate new monitor.
- On theNew Health Monitorscreen, enter a name for the new monitor.
- Select the Health Monitors that you want the new health monitor to be associated with.
- Select theShow errors and warnings for this monitor on the Home Pagecheck box.
- Select theShow this Health Monitor in the Organization Visibility Consolecheck box.
- In theHow does this Monitor test the system?section, in theChoose a testfield, select theWeb Url Testoption.
- In theTest Configurationfield, enter a test configuration using the same URL as theNDSserver that was used to configure theAtHoc Connectgateway.
- Leave all of the other fields on the screen unchanged.
- ClickSave.