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Create a health monitor

Global health monitors monitor the connectivity between
cloud services (PSS) and the
BlackBerry AtHoc
management system.
  1. Log in to the
    System Setup (3)
    organization as a system administrator.
  2. In the navigation bar, click Settings icon.
  3. Under
    System Setup
    , click
    Global System Health
  4. On the
    System Visibility Console
    screen, click
    Create new monitor
  5. On the
    New Health Monitor
    screen, enter a name for the new monitor.
  6. Select the Health Monitors that you want the new health monitor to be associated with.
  7. Select the
    Show errors and warnings for this monitor on the Home Page
    check box.
  8. Select the
    Show this Health Monitor in the Organization Visibility Console
    check box.
  9. In the
    How does this Monitor test the system?
    section, in the
    Choose a test
    field, select the
    Web Url Test
  10. In the
    Test Configuration
    field, enter a test configuration using the same URL as the
    server that was used to configure the
    AtHoc Connect
  11. Leave all of the other fields on the screen unchanged.
  12. Click