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Application server preparation

The following sections describe actions that you need to take to prepare to upgrade the application servers.
The following pre-installed Windows components may need to be upgraded:
.NET Framework v. 4.7.2.
If an earlier version is installed, upgrade to version 4.7.2. If a later version is installed, uninstall it and then install version 4.7.2.
dotnet-hosting-3.1.27-win.exe (for upgrade to 7.15)
dotnet-hosting-6.0.10-win.exe (Or latest 6.x.x release. For upgrade to 7.15 SE-3.)
This version is included in the asp .net hosting bundle which can be found in the AtHoc repo at: .../IWS/Server/
Windows PowerShell
Windows PowerShell 5.1
Windows Server 2016 and 2019 include Windows PowerShell 5.1 by default.