Configure BlackBerry UEM for DEP
BlackBerry UEM
for DEPYou can configure
BlackBerry UEM
to synchronize with the Apple
Device Enrollment Program (DEP) if you want to use the UEM
management console to manage the activation of the iOS
devices that your organization purchased for DEP.- In the management console, navigate toSettings > External integration > Apple Device Enrollment Program.If you are usingUEMon-premises, click
and type a name for the account.
- In section1 of 4: Create an Apple DEP account, clickCreate an Apple DEP account.
- Complete the fields and follow the prompts to create your account.
- In section2 of 4: Download a public key, clickDownload public key.
- Save the public key on your local machine.
- In section3 of 4: Generate server token from Apple DEP account, clickOpen the Apple DEP portal.
- Sign in toApple Business Manager. In the preferences for your account, download the server token for the MDM server. For more information, see the Apple Business Manager User Guide: Link to a third-party MDM server in Apple Business Manager.
- In section4 of 4: Register the server token with BlackBerry UEM, clickBrowse.
- Navigate to and select the .p7m server token file. ClickOpenthen clickNext.
- In the enrollment configuration window, type a name for the configuration.
- If you wantUEMto automatically assign the enrollment configuration to devices when you register them withAppleDEP, select theAutomatically assign all new devices to this configurationcheck box. Do not select this option if you want to use theUEMmanagement console to manually assign the enrollment configuration to specific devices.UEMsynchronizes withAppleDEP daily and whenever you view theAppleDEP devices page. You can automatically assign only one enrollment configuration to new DEP devices. If you previously created an enrollment configuration with this setting, the setting is removed from the previous configuration and added to the new one. If you previously created an enrollment configuration with this setting and the configuration was applied to devices,UEMdoes not assign the new enrollment configuration.
- Optionally, type a department name and support phone number to be displayed on devices during setup.
- In theDevice configurationsection, select any of the following options:
- Allow pairing: Users can pair the device with a computer.
- Mandatory: Users can activate devices using their company directory username and password.
- Allow removal of MDM profile: Users can deactivate devices.
- Wait until device is configured: Users cannot cancel the device setup until activation withUEMis complete.
- In theSkip during setupsection, select the items that you do not want to include in the device setup. Hover over an option to view a tooltip with additional details.
- ClickSave. If you selectedAutomatically assign new devices to this configurationclickYes.
- ActivateiOSdevices. For more information about activating devices that are enrolled in DEP, see Activating iOS devices that are enrolled in DEP.
- The server token is valid for one year. You must renew the token each year before it expires. To see the status of the token, see the Expiry date in theAppleDevice Enrollment Program window. To renew the token, inSettings > External integration > Apple Device Enrollment Program, click the DEP account and clickUpdate server token. Complete both steps to generate a new server token and register it withUEM.
- You can remove any DEP connection that you create. If you remove all DEP connections, you cannot activate newAppleDEP devices. If you assigned enrollment configurations to devices and the configurations have not been applied,UEMremoves the enrollment configurations assigned to the devices. Removing the connection does not affect devices that are active onUEM.