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Fixed issues in
BlackBerry UEM

Upgrade and migration fixed issues

Migration might not have completed successfully if the
BlackBerry Affinity Manager
was not running. (EMM-149925)
During device migration, SQL deadlocks might have occurred. (EMM-148320)
After upgrade completed, the first time you logged in to the console, an error message might have displayed. (EMM-147290)

User and device management fixed issues

Null pointer exceptions occurred when Client and Root certificates were renewed. This caused
users to receive application blocked messages when using
BlackBerry Dynamics
apps. (EMM-149105)
BlackBerry Hub
users might have been randomly prompted for their account credentials. (EMM-148907)
When location tracking was enabled on a device, after
BlackBerry UEM
sent the payload to the device, the device might not have responded. (EMA-16917)
Users might have had to perform a factory reset after they attempted a KME activation using an incorrect activation password or the activation password was expired. (EMA-16879)
If the
BlackBerry UEM Client
displayed the device as non-compliant because of a
violation, if you changed the '
threat detected' setting from 'Untrust' to 'Monitor and log', the device still displayed that it was non-compliant. (EMM-148489)
Users had to zoom in to the QR Code in an activation email message to trigger device activation. (EMM-148474)
Devices that were blocked from connecting to any
Firebase Cloud Messaging
registration host did not receive notifications to update
policies and profiles that were assigned to the device. (EMA-16863, EMA-16716)
If you were using the
BlackBerry UEM Client
in Dutch, there was a typo on the home page. (EMA-16787)
BlackBerry UEM Client
page was blank if a user configured
BlackBerry Dynamics
manually from the "Assigned Profiles" page. (EMA-16729)

Management console fixed issues

On the Edit app group page, the App configuration column truncated entries. (EMM-149453)
When you were importing a .csv file of local users into
BlackBerry UEM
, multiple self-service portal password email messages might have been sent to the users. (EMM-149177)
The incorrect org ID might have been passed from the
BBM Enterprise
snap-in to the
BBM Enterprise
server. (EMM-149141)
environments with multiple
Active Directory
instances, it is possible to have duplicate or identical display names with different domains. If multiple users existed with the same user name and all of them lacked an activation password or if more than one had an activation password, then DEP activation using "domain\username" failed. Users must enter their usernames in the format of domain\username (the credentials match your organization's domain and username variables (“%UserDomain%\%UserName%”)). For more information, visit to read KB91522. (EMM-148923)
You could not open the
app licenses view in the console if there were more then 2100 apps. (EMM-148468)
You couldn't use
Google Chrome
to configure
Azure AD
Conditional Access. (EMM-148450) 
If you enabled performance reporting for a
BlackBerry Dynamics
app, performance alerts for the app might not have displayed on the device details page. (EMM-147380) 

BlackBerry UEM Core
fixed issue

The scheduler service that removed user certificates might have timed out and failed. (EMM-148625)

REST API fixed issue

The get app(s) API for a user didn't return any assigned app configuration information. (EMM-149489)