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Suggested template text

The suggested text is used in the default email templates. If you edit the default email templates and later want to use the default text, you can copy and paste it from here. If the default text is updated between releases of
BlackBerry UEM
, you can see the updated text here. For a list of variables that you can use in email templates, see Default variables.
Suggested text
work profile activation code
Subject: An
work profile activation code has been created for you
To activate an
device with a work profile only, your administrator has created an
work profile activation code for you. You will receive your
BlackBerry UEM
activation password in a separate email message.
work profile activation code: %GoogleActivationCode%
work profile activation code will expire on %ActivationPasswordExpiry%.
If you have any questions, contact your administrator.
Default managed
account credentials
Subject: A
account has been created for you
To enable the work profile on your device, your administrator has created a
account for you. You will need your
account password when you activate the work profile. The
account password displayed here is not the password that you use when you activate your device on
BlackBerry UEM
. You will receive your
BlackBerry UEM
activation password in a separate email message, or you can set your
BlackBerry UEM
activation password in
BlackBerry UEM
You will need the following information when you activate the work profile:
  • Your work email address: %UserEmailAddress%
  • Your
    account password: %Password%
You can manage your
Account at If you change the password for your
Account, the password included in this email will no longer apply, and you must use the new password instead.
Please keep this information for your records.
If you have any questions, contact your administrator.
DEP device activation email
First email
Subject: Activating your device on
BlackBerry UEM
Your administrator has enabled your
device for
BlackBerry UEM
. To activate your device you need the following information:
  • Your work email address: %UserEmailAddress%
  • Your device activation password: Your activation password will be delivered in a separate email.
You can manage your own device with
BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
at %UserSelfServicePortalURL%. To log in, use the following username:
  • BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
    username: %UserName%
BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
password may have been delivered in a separate email.
If you have not received it, contact your administrator.
Please keep this information for your records.
If you have any questions, contact your administrator.
DEP device activation email
Second email
Subject: Password to activate your device on BlackBerry UEM
Your administrator has enabled your mobile device for
BlackBerry UEM
. To activate your device you need the following information:
Your device activation password: %ActivationPassword%
Your password will expire on %ActivationPasswordExpiry%.
Please follow the instructions in the "Activating your device on
BlackBerry UEM
" email to activate your
device on
BlackBerry UEM
If you have any questions, contact your administrator.
Welcome to
BlackBerry UEM
BlackBerry Dynamics
access key email
Subject: An access key for a
BlackBerry Dynamics
app has been created for you
Your administrator has created an access key for a
BlackBerry Dynamics
app. This email contains the access key and instructions to set up the app.
If you have been given permission to use more than one app, you will receive more than one email. Each email has an access key that can be used to set up an app. You can use any of your access keys to set up any app, but you can only use each access key once.
Before you begin, make sure you have mobile data or
  1. Open the
    BlackBerry Dynamics
  2. When you are prompted, enter the following information.
    • Email address: %UserEmailAddress%
    • Access key: %AccessKeys%
    Your access key will expire on %AccessKeyExpiry%.
  3. You may be prompted to create a password. You will need to enter this password when you open the app.
If you have any questions, contact your administrator.
Default activation email
First email
Subject: Activating your device on
BlackBerry UEM
Your administrator has enabled your mobile device for
BlackBerry UEM
. To activate your device you need some or all of the following information:
  • Your work email address: %UserEmailAddress%
  • Server name: %ActivationURL%
  • Activation username: %ActivationUserName%
  • Your device activation password: Your activation password will be delivered in a separate email.
You can watch a video on how to activate your device here:
If you are using an
device, you must install the
BlackBerry UEM Client
Google Play
If you are using an
device, you must install the
BlackBerry UEM Client
from the
App Store
devices, open Safari and go to workspace://apps to install apps that your administrator has assigned to you. If available, you can also tap
Work Apps
on your device.
If you are using a
device, you must activate your device using
BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
For devices running
Windows 10
or later:
You will need the following information to activate your device:
  • Server name: %ClientlessActivationURL%
  • Certificate server URL: %RsaRootCaCertUrl%
  • You must install the
    certificate. Type the Certificate server URL in the address bar of the browser on your device. Follow the instructions and install the certificate into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.
  • On your device, go to Settings > Accounts > Access work or school and tap Enroll only in device management.
To manage your devices
You can manage your own device with
BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
at %UserSelfServicePortalURL%. To log in, use the following username:
BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
username: %UserName%
BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
password may have been delivered in a separate email.
Welcome to
BlackBerry UEM
Default activation email
Second email
Subject: Password to activate your device on
BlackBerry UEM
Your administrator has enabled your mobile device for
BlackBerry UEM
. To activate your device you need the following information:
  • Your device activation password: %ActivationPassword%
  • Your password will expire on %ActivationPasswordExpiry%
Please follow the instructions in the "Activating your device on
BlackBerry UEM
" email to activate your
, or
device on
BlackBerry UEM
If you have any questions, contact your administrator.
Welcome to
BlackBerry UEM
Default compliance email
Subject: Notification of noncompliant device
Your device is not compliant with your organization's policies. If this condition persists your administrator might limit access to the organization's data from your device, delete the organization's data on your device, or delete all content and settings from your device.
Default Work space only (Android work profiles) activation email
First email
Subject: Activating your device on
BlackBerry UEM
Your administrator has enabled your Android device (6.0 and later) for
BlackBerry UEM
. To activate your device, you need the following information:
  • Activation username: %ActivationUserName%
  • Your device activation password: Your activation password will be delivered in a separate email.
To activate your device, perform the following actions:
  1. If you do not see the device setup Welcome screen, reset your device to the factory default settings.
  2. During the device setup, in the Add your account screen enter afw#blackberry. Wait while the device updates some important system applications and downloads the
    UEM Client
  3. In the
    BlackBerry UEM Client
    , follow the instructions on the screen to activate your device.
You can manage your own device with
BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
at %UserSelfServicePortalURL%. To log in, use the following username:
BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
username: %UserName%
BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
password may have been delivered in a separate email.
If you have not received it, contact your administrator.
Please keep this information for your records.
If you have any questions, contact your administrator.
Welcome to
BlackBerry UEM
Default Work space only (Android work profiles) activation email
Second email
Subject: Password to activate your device on
BlackBerry UEM
Your administrator has enabled your Android device for
BlackBerry UEM
. To activate your device you need the following information:
  • Your device activation password: %ActivationPassword%
  • Your password will expire on %ActivationPasswordExpiry%
Please follow the instructions in the "Activating your device on
BlackBerry UEM
" email to activate your device on
BlackBerry UEM
If you have any questions, contact your administrator.
Welcome to
BlackBerry UEM
BlackBerry UEM
event notification email
BlackBerry UEM
event notification
The following event occurred:
Device activated notification
Subject: Device activated on
BlackBerry UEM
Your device has been activated on
BlackBerry UEM
Device information
Model: %DeviceModel%
Serial Number: %SerialNumber%
IMEI: %DeviceIMEI%
If you did not activate this device, contact your administrator.
BlackBerry Dynamics
device activated on
BlackBerry UEM
BlackBerry Dynamics
device has been activated on
BlackBerry UEM
If you did not activate this device, contact your administrator.
Self-service login notification
Subject: Self-service login notification
You have logged in to
BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
IP address: %IPAddress%
Time: %Timestamp%
If you did not log in, contact your administrator.