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Default email templates

BlackBerry UEM
 includes some default email templates. Depending on your 
BlackBerry UEM
 configuration, you will see some or all of the following default email templates in Settings > General settings > Templates:
Default email template
Device activation
Default activation email
This template contains the instructions that a user needs to activate their device. You can choose to send two separate emails to the user: one containing the activation instructions and a second that contains only the activation password.
If you don't select a different template, 
BlackBerry UEM
 uses this template when it sends an activation email to a user.
You can edit this template, but you can't delete it.
Default managed 
 account credentials
Default managed 
 account credentials
This template is used in environments that have a managed 
 domain. It provides the user's 
 account password.
Users automatically receive this email if they are assigned an 
Android Enterprise
 activation type.
You can edit this template, but you can't delete it.
You should also send the Default activation email template to provide users with the instructions to activate their devices in 
BlackBerry UEM
Android Enterprise
 activation code
 work profile activation code
This template is used in environments that have a managed 
 domain. It provides a 
 activation code.
You can edit this template, but you can't delete it.
You should also send the Default activation email template to provide users with the instructions to activate their devices in 
BlackBerry UEM
 DEP device activation
 DEP activation email
This template contains the instructions that a user needs to activate an 
 DEP device. You can choose to send two separate email messages to the user: one containing the activation instructions and a second that contains only the activation password.
You can edit or delete this template.
BlackBerry Dynamics
 access key
BlackBerry Dynamics
 access key email
This template contains the instructions that a user needs to activate a 
BlackBerry Dynamics
 app using an access key.
You can edit or delete this template.
Default Work space only (
Android Enterprise
) activation email
Default Work space only (
 work profiles) activation
This template is used in environments that do not have a managed 
 domain and that use 
Android Enterprise
This template contains the instructions that a user needs to activate their device. You can choose to send two separate emails to the user: one containing the activation instructions and a second that contains only the activation password.
You can edit or delete this template.
Compliance violation
Default compliance email
This template contains information about a user's device compliance. You can associate this template with a compliance profile.
You can edit this template, but you can't delete it.
Event notification
BlackBerry UEM
 event notification email
This template contains information for administrators about an event that has occurred in 
BlackBerry UEM
. You can associate this template with an event notification.
You can edit this template, but you can't delete it.
Device activated notification
Device activated notification email
This template contains information about the device that a user activated. A device activated notification email is sent when the user activates their device using the 
BlackBerry UEM Client
. A 
BlackBerry Dynamics
 device activated notification email is sent when the user activates a 
BlackBerry Dynamics
 app on their device.
You can edit this template, but you can't delete it.
Self-service login notification
Self-service login notification email 
This template contains information about the user that logged into the 
BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
 portal (for example, the IP address and the date and time). 
You can edit this template, but you can't delete it.