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Delete multiple bookmark records

The following sample code deletes multiple records for a user. If an item exists, it is marked for deletion and timestamped for the deletion in the response from
. If the item is already deleted or does not exist, the response returns a NOT_FOUND error. Deleted items are synchronized to the user's other devices. The following sample code deletes the Example 1 and Example 3 bookmarks.
POST jsonstore/bookmarks/delete Content-Type: application/json X-Good-GD-AuthToken: "<
>" X-Good-GEMS-Scope:USER X-Good-GEMS-RegistrationId: <
> { "id": "204996f57b552ff58e43cebe03f6f58de" }, { "id": "39bc1dd4dd90aad1f4910d3682f349b07" } ]
returns the following response:
[ { "id": "204996f57b552ff58e43cebe03f6f58de", "lastModifiedTime": 1486674836738 }, { "id": "39bc1dd4dd90aad1f4910d3682f349b07", "error": "NOT_FOUND" } ]
For more information about response codes, see BEMS response codes