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Create and updated multiple bookmarks

You can store and update multiple bookmarks and view
response to identify those bookmarks that failed to store or encountered conflicts and those bookmarks that successfully stored and updated. When a record, for this example bookmark, is updated, the request includes the bookmark id and timestamp that was changed. If the bookmark is a new bookmark, the request includes a timestamp of 0 (zero).
The following is an example of storing and updating multiple bookmarks.
POST jsonstore/bookmarks/createupdate Content-Type: application/json X-Good-GD-AuthToken: "<
>" X-Good-GEMS-Scope:USER X-Good-GEMS-RegistrationId: <
> [ { "id": "204996f57b552ff58e43cebe03f6f58de", "payload": { "title": "example 1", "body": "" }, "lastModifiedTime": 1484251451970 }, { "id": "3fba55721a8ff31c367baac5df03cbc38", "payload": { "title": "Example 2", "body": "" }, "lastModifiedTime": 1484251451970 }, { "id": "39bc1dd4dd90aad1f4910d3682f349b07", "payload": { "title": "Example 3", "body": "" }, "lastModifiedTime": 0 }, { "id": "3fbe1884dd9099d1f4810d47f3c495c18", "payload": { "title": "Example 4", "body": "", "newfield": "testing" }, "lastModifiedTime": 0 } ]
returns response codes indicating whether bookmarks are newly created and updated successfully:
[ { "id": "204996f57b552ff58e43cebe03f6f58de", "error": "ALREADY_EXISTS" }, { "id": "3fba55721a8ff31c367baac5df03cbc38", "error": "NOT_FOUND" }, { "id": "39bc1dd4dd90aad1f4910d3682f349b07", "lastModifiedTime": 1484673690049 }, { "id": "3fbe1884dd9099d1f4810d47f3c495c18", "lastModifiedTime": 1484673690049 } ]