Repository-related functions
Function | REST Call URI | Verb | Description |
List repositories | http(s)://{ FQDN of the BEMS-Docs server }:8443/docs/{version }?include=offline | GET | This function lists the repositories. Optional parameters
For an example of a repository list response format, see Repository listing response format. |
Retrieve repository metadata | http(s)://{ FQDN of the BEMS-Docs server }:8443/docs/{version }/{repository }?metadata=repository?include=offline | GET | This function retrieves the repository metadata. Optional parameters
Add/edit user defined repository | http(s)://{ FQDN of the BEMS-Docs server }:8443/docs/{version }?action=addUserRepository | POST | This function allows adding and editing of the user defined repository. The required request body is in the JSON format as shown in the following example:
Delete user defined repository | http(s)://{ FQDN of the BEMS-Docs server }:8443/docs/{version }/user/{repository } | DELETE | This function deletes the user-defined repository. |