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BlackBerry UEM
BlackBerry UEM Client
BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server
BlackBerry Analytics
CylancePROTECT Mobile for UEM
SDK: BlackBerry Web Services for BlackBerry UEM
BlackBerry Access
BlackBerry Bridge
BlackBerry Connect
BlackBerry Edit
BlackBerry Notes
BlackBerry Tasks
BlackBerry Work
SDK: BlackBerry Dynamics
SDK: BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher SDK
Security and Architecture
BlackBerry AtHoc
BlackBerry AtHoc Mobile App
BlackBerry AtHoc Desktop App
BlackBerry AtHoc Integrations
BlackBerry AtHoc Geofencing App
BlackBerry AtHoc User Sync Client
Identity, Communication, and Collaboration
BlackBerry 2FA
BBM Enterprise
BlackBerry Enterprise ID
BlackBerry Org Connect
BlackBerry Workspaces
Development Tools
BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher SDK
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK
BlackBerry Web Services for BlackBerry UEM
BlackBerry Workspaces SDK
Cylance Powered Security
Cylance Endpoint Security
Cylance Multi-Tenant Console
Cylance Engine
Cylance Application for QRadar
Cylance Application for Splunk
BlackBerry Connect for iOS
User Guide
Get the PDF
What is BlackBerry Connect?
Installing and activating the BlackBerry Connect app
Install BlackBerry Connect and activate using an access key, activation password, or QR code
Install and activate BlackBerry Connect when the BlackBerry UEM Client or another BlackBerry Dynamics app is already activated
Use a third-party identity provider to activate a BlackBerry Dynamics app on a device
Unlock a BlackBerry Dynamics app using a third-party identity provider
Activate a BlackBerry Dynamics app after a device restore using a third-party identity provider
Reset your BlackBerry Dynamics app password using a third-party identity provider
Log in to BlackBerry Connect
Manage BlackBerry Dynamics apps
Use the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher
Using BlackBerry Connect
The Contacts screen
Managing contacts
Add contacts
The Chats screen
Start a conversation
View the chat history, delete, or block a contact
Create a group discussion
Invitations to chats and group discussions
Manage group discussions
Multiple simultaneous chats and group discussions
Change the group discussion information
Search for group discussions
Send a message to the group discussion
Pictures, videos, files, and links in chats and group discussions
View pictures, videos, and files in a discussion group
Send pictures, videos, and files to a group discussion or a chat
Supported file types
Send files from BlackBerry Connect to other BlackBerry Dynamics apps
Search chat and group discussion histories
Search the chat and group discussion history of a contact
Search the chats and group discussions
Mark messages as read
Remove a group discussion from the Chats list
Transitioning conversations across devices
Transition from a desktop client to a mobile device
Transition from a mobile device to a desktop client
Transition from one mobile device to another
The Profile screen
Change your status
Change app settings
Change notification settings
Change your theme
Contact shortcuts
3D Touch shortcuts
Supported languages
Generate a diagnostics report on iOS devices
Upload log files to BlackBerry Support
Send feedback to BlackBerry
Frequently Asked Questions
BlackBerry Docs
BlackBerry Connect 3.15
BlackBerry Connect for iOS User Guide
Using BlackBerry Connect
Pictures, videos, files, and links in chats and group discussions
Supported file types
Supported file types
When the feature is enabled by your administrator, the following file types are supported in group discussions and one-to-one chats.
.doc, Docx
.ppt, PPTx
.xls, XLSX
Media files
Using BlackBerry Connect