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Multi-Tenant Console
6.1.1 Release Notes

What's new in the Cylance Multi-Tenant Console

This release of
Multi-Tenant Console
includes general maintenance and modernization of its backend operations.

Fixed issues

There are no fixed issues in this release.

Known issues

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are new for this release.
When a user's role has the "View tenant list" permission, the tenants in the list are displayed as a link (which leads to an error page) even though they don't have permissions to view or edit the tenant details. (MSSP-7534)
If you try to create a policy template with a name that contains only spaces, a "400 - Bad Request" error message appears. (MSSP-7490)
The list of device policy templates does not display even though the user has the "View policy template list" permission. (MSSP-7489)
As an administrator in the
Multi-Tenant Console
, if you enter a partner name that contains more than 100 characters, a red toast displays without an error message. (MSSP-7475)
When a user clicks the link in the activation email more than once to set up their account, the login page loads instead of redirecting to the "Reset Your Password" screen. (MSSP-7471)
As an administrator in the
Multi-Tenant Console
, you cannot filter the list of partner users by role. (MSSP-7414)
When a user clicks the link in the activation email to set up their account, the login page loads momentarily before they are redirected to a "Reset Your Password" screen where they need to set their password. (MSSP-7384)
When generating reports, the console takes time to scan all tenants even though only a few are selected in the report filter. (MSSP-7268)
In the Tenant Conversion tab, if you search for a tenant, partner tenants may be included in the search results. (MSSP-6727)
If you make changes to
in a bulk update request when it is disabled, the bulk update report does not specify that
is not available. (MSSP-6411)
If an error occurs when you are creating a linked policy template, the error message remains on the screen until you remove it. (MSSP-5775)
After you edit the name of a linked policy template, a progress spinner might display on the "Tenants Linked To" column and the column is not updated. (MSSP-5768)
When you open a policy template, and click File Actions, the Auto-Delete Quarantine option might be cut off. (MSSP-5615)
If you name a linked policy template "Default", you cannot edit the name. (EPCL-2129)