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Send a file

Use the
Send a copy
feature to send a link to a file in your workspaces. Recipients receive a link to access the file. Each time you send a copy, the action creates a new instance of the file in
BlackBerry Workspaces
, located in your Sent Files.
  1. Tap
    The Menu icon
    Send a copy
  2. Enter the names or email address(es) of the recipients.
  3. Tap
    Manage Permissions
    to set file permissions, including requiring recipient sign in, file expiration, file watermark, enabling comments, and allowing upload of new versions.
  4. When you are finished setting permissions, tap AND_back arrow to return to sending the file.
  5. If desired, change the subject of the notification email and add a personal message.
  6. Tap
    Your file is sent, and the recipient receives an email message with a link to the file.