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What's new in
BlackBerry AtHoc
mobile app 4.9.1


  • Support for Samsung Knox Devices
    : The
    Samsung Knox
    Galaxy XCover 5 device has an XCover (push-to-talk or PTT) key that can be mapped to perform a check-in or check-out on the
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    mobile app.
    Samsung Knox
    Galaxy XCover Pro devices also have a Top (emergency) key that can be mapped to send an emergency from the
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    mobile app. For unmanaged devices, end users can map the XCover and Top keys in the Advanced settings on their
    Samsung Knox
    devices. For managed devices, mobile administrators can map the XCover and Top keys using BlackBerry UEM or the
    Samsung Knox
    Manage Admin Portal and push them out to their users' managed devices. For more information, see Configure hardware key mapping for Samsung Knox devices in the
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    Mobile App Administrator Guide


  • Critical alert notification support for iOS
    : For iPhone 12 and above, users now receive consistent critical alert notifications. The
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    mobile app now always plays a sound for high severity alerts. Previously, the iPhone 12 did not play a sound for high severity alerts when it was set to Do Not Disturb or was muted or the mobile app was not running in the background.

iOS and Android

  • Email verification
    : During the registration process, when a user submits their email address, the mobile app displays a screen informing them that a confirmation email was sent. The confirmation screen presents a countdown timer while the mobile app checks the status of the email verification.
  • Admin log update
    : The
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    mobile app admin log was updated to capture delays in sending out push notifications.