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Send an emergency

The Emergency feature (The Emergency icon) sends a duress message and device location to your organization.
Ensure that your device location services are enabled.
If you are using an Apple iPhone running iOS 14 or later, turn the Precise Location setting on at
Location Services
  1. Open the
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    mobile app on your device.
  2. On the home screen, slide the The Red Knob icon to the left to create an emergency.
  3. A dialog appears with a countdown of 5 seconds with the options
    Send Now
    . Choosing
    cancels the report.
    Send Now
    sends a duress message immediately. If the countdown reaches zero without you choosing either option, the emergency is reported and your location is sent. A screen is displayed where you can enter messages.
  4. Optionally, tap The Call Emergency icon to make a call, add a message with additional information, or tap The Camera icon to attach a video or photo.
You can also send an emergency using a paired personal alert button. For more information, see Publish a V.ALRT emergency alert.
You can also send an emergency using the KNOX button on supported Samsung devices. For more information, see Send an emergency using the Top key on Samsung Knox devices.