Enterprise Administrator
The Enterprise Administrator role is used by customers who have multiple organizations to manage as part of an enterprise or super enterprise. Enterprise Administrator is the most powerful role in the super enterprise or enterprise and should be reserved for users who need to have access to everything in them. See the guide for more information about enterprise alerting.
- Create and publish alerts
- Create and save a draft alert
- View, search for, and mark alerts as reviewed from the Inbox
- Forward and reply to alerts from the Inbox
- Create, edit, duplicate, end, publish, and delete alerts, find alerts on the live map, and search for alerts from the Sent Alerts screen
- Search for, view, and export alerts from suborganizations from the Sent Alerts screen
- Export sent alerts from the Sent Alerts screen
- View advanced reports and the users list from Sent Alerts
- Create, edit, import, export, search for, delete, and duplicate alert templates
- Reset system alert template to default values
- Create new alert folders, edit personal folders, search for folders
- Configure audio files
- Configure delivery templates
- Configure devices
- Configure mobile alert settings
- Configure alert rules
- Create and edit alert placeholders
- View, search, and export activity logs
- Create and edit activity logs
- Publish activity logs
- Add, edit, or delete users
- Import and export users
- Enable and disable users
- Add and remove users from static distribution lists
- Move and subscribe users from their suborganization to other suborganizations
- Grant operator permissions
- Revoke operator permissions
- Manage distribution lists
- Manage user attributes
- Prioritize personal devices
- Create and import service accounts
Mobile publishing
Publish alerts from the mobile app
Publisher map
Export users list
Live map
- Access the live map
- View layers
- View users
- View users in drawn shapes
- View incoming alerts
- View live alerts and events
- Publish a quick alert
- Export users
- View, create, search for, duplicate, and delete accountability templates
- Create, search for, delete, and end accountability events
- Change the end time for accountability events
- Use the live map
- View accountability event dashboards
- Export accountability event reports
- Report status on behalf of others
View personnel, alerts usage, and user summary reports
Organizations (Connect)
- View Connected organizations
- Connect with organizations
- View sent invitations
- Access All Organizations screen
- Access the Connect profile
- Create a new plan
- Edit a plan
- Delete a plan
- Duplicate a plan
- Disable a plan
- Enable a plan
- Approve a plan
- View active plans
Plan Incidents
- Create an incident
- Edit an incident
- End an incident
- Publish an incident
- Export an incident
- Activate plan steps
- Start a collaboration
- View and participate in all active collaborations in their organization
- View and participate in collaborations from theBlackBerry AtHocmobile app
- End a collaboration
- Export ended collaborations
Basic settings
- Configure general settings
- Configure dependent profile page layout
- Configure organization subscription
- Configure alert placeholder settings
- Configure accountability template settings
- Configure alert template settings
- Configure alert folder settings
- Configure delivery template settings
- Configure audio file settings
- Configure mobile alert settings
- Configure alert rule settings
- Configure map settings
- Configure external events settings
AtHoc Connect settings
AtHoc Connect
AtHoc Connect
profile settingsSystem setup settings
- Configure security policy settings
- Configure system health settings
- Configure integration manager settings
- Configure API application settings
- Access the operator audit trail
- View geocoding summary and logs
User settings
- Grant external operator permissions
- Disable and delete end users
- Configure distribution list foldersThe Enterprise Administrator can access distribution list folder settings from a standalone enterprise organization with no suborganizations.
- Configure user attribute settings
- Translate custom user attributes
- Configure user authentication
- Configure SMS Opt-in
Map settings
- Manage map settings
- Set default map view
- Add shape layer
- Add distribution list
Device settings
- Configure device settings
- Configure mass device endpoints
- Configure desktop app settings
- Configure mobile app settings
Device Manager
- Access the device manager
- View device details
- Edit devices
- Enable and disable devices
- Set device delivery preference
Super enterprise
Manage all features and settings in a super enterprise organization.