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Preauthentication and self-rescue

BlackBerry 2FA
Preauthentication and self-rescue are features that allow users to authenticate to your organization’s resources for a predetermined period with only a single factor. These features are enabled and configured independently.
Preauthentication should be used when the user expects to have no device access or no network coverage for a short period of time (for example, when they are on an airplane). Users can request Preauthentication from the their device, or administrators can enable it through the
BlackBerry UEM
management console.
recommends using the software OTP feature instead whenever possible because it retains full two-factor security, even though it is less user-friendly.
Self-rescue should be used when a user has lost their device or has no device access for a longer period of time such as a day or more (for example, the user lost their device and is waiting for a replacement). Users can access the self-rescue feature from
BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
, which means that it can only be enabled if the user is connected to the organization’s network.