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What's new in
BBM Enterprise
version 1.18


BBM Enterprise
Connected icon
BBM Enterprise
Connected icon has been reintroduced to help ensure message delivery when device memory is low.


BBM Enterprise
You can now start
BBM Enterprise
conferences from one-to-one or group chats.
Conferences are now launched from the
BBM Enterprise
app instead of the

BBM Enterprise
plug-in for
BlackBerry UEM

BBM Enterprise
plug-in features require
BlackBerry UEM
version 12.20 or later.
Enforce complex passcodes
You can now enforce complex user passcodes for
BBM Enterprise
. Additionally, IT Admins can now prevent some users from using their current passcodes and define a list of disallowed passwords.
Granular attachment sharing
Instead of disabling all file sharing with the Disable File Sharing option, Admins are now able to select specific types of attachments to disallow. For example, you can disable the sharing of voice notes, or media.
Add disclaimers to the top of every chat
You can now add a disclaimer of up to 500 characters that will remain at the top of every new chat. This disclaimer is persistent and cannot be removed.
Block PIN and email invitations
You can now prevent users from inviting contacts to
BBM Enterprise
using their PIN or email address in a
BBM Enterprise
policy. Users can still invite others using cloud directory lookup, by scanning a barcode, or from existing chats.
Disallow Avatar updates
You can now prevent users from adding or updating their avatar in a
BBM Enterprise
policy. If you select this option and assign the policy to users, any existing avatars are changed to the default avatar that shows their initials.