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Start a chat in
BBM Enterprise

To start a chat in
BBM Enterprise
, a passphrase must be shared between you and your contact. By default, this passphrase is shared automatically and you aren't prompted for a passphrase.
  1. On the
    screen, tap The start chat icon.
  2. Tap a contact.
  3. Type your message.
  4. To format message text, do any of the following:
    • To apply bold, type an asterisk (*) before and after the text. For example, type *text*.
    • To apply italics, type an underscore (_) before and after the text. For example, type _text_.
    • To apply an underline, type a plus sign (+) before and after the text. For example, type +text+.
    • To apply a strikethrough, type a tilde (~) before and after the text. For example, type ~text~.
    • To apply no formatting to code block text, type three back quotes (```) before and after the text. For example, type ```text```.
  5. To add an emoji to your message, tap or click Add emoji icon.
To go to the newest unread message in a chat, tap
Unread Messages