Generate access keys, activation passwords, or QR codes for BlackBerry
Dynamics apps
apps require an access key, activation passwords, or QR codes to be activated on a device. The BlackBerry UEM Client
can request access keys or activation passwords automatically from BlackBerry UEM
after users install an app. You or a user must manually generate access keys, activation passwords, or QR codes and send them to activate BlackBerry
apps in the following scenarios:
- ForSamsung Knox Workspacedevices
- ForiOSandAndroiddevices that don't need MDM and do not have theUEM Clientinstalled
- For users who want to activateBlackBerry Dynamicsapps on devices that don't require theUEM Client
You can generate access keys, activation passwords, or QR codes when you create a new user, or anytime afterwards. Users do not need to activate their devices on
to receive access keys, activation passwords, or QR codes. Users do not require an email address for you to generate an access key, activation password, or QR code. Users can also generate access keys, activation passwords, or QR codes in BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
(users cannot specify the expiry period).- In the management console, on the menu bar, clickUsers > Managed devices.
- Search for a user account.
- In the search results, click the name of the user account.
- ClickSet activation password. Complete one of the following tasks:TasksStepsGenerate an activation password and QR code.This feature requires that theBlackBerry Dynamicsapp is running a software version that includesBlackBerry Dynamics SDK8.0 or later.
- In theActivation optiondrop-down list, selectDevice activation with specified activation profile.
- In theActivation profiledrop-down list, select the activation profile that you want the password to be paired with.
- In theActivation passworddrop-down list, perform one of the following tasks:
- If you want to automatically generate a password, selectAutogenerate device activation password and send email with activation instructions. When you select this option, you must select an email template to send the information to the user.
- If you want to set an activation password for the user and, optionally, send an activation email, selectSet device activation password.
- Optionally, change the activation period expiration. The activation period expiration specifies how long the activation password remains valid.
- In theActivation email templatedrop-down list, select the email template that you want to use.
- ClickSubmit.If the user does not have an email address, to find the activation password and QR code, click theView activation emaillink in theActivation detailssection, underDevice activation password.
Generate an access key.- In theActivation optiondrop-down list, selectBlackBerry Dynamics access key generation.
- In theNumber of access keys to generatedrop-down list, select the number of access keys that you want to create for the user.
- Select the number of days that you want the access keys to remain valid.
- In theEmail templatedrop-down list, select the email template that you want to use. If the user does not have an email address, selectNone.
- ClickSubmit.If the user does not have an email address, to find the access key, click the link that displays the number of generated keys in theActivation detailssection, underBlackBerry Dynamics access keys.
In the
) or delete (
) the keys that were generated.
Activation details
section of the user account screen, you can click the number beside BlackBerry Dynamics access keys
to see a list of generated access keys. You can resend (