- Managing BlackBerry UEM administrators, users, and groups
- Configuring console login options
- Set the minimum password complexity for local administrators
- Create a login notice for the consoles
- Customize the appearance of the UEM consoles
- Add a text banner to the management console
- Set the session timeout limit
- Configure single sign-on for BlackBerry UEM
- Configure certificate-based console authentication
- Creating and managing administrator roles
- Create an administrator
- Creating and managing user accounts
- Creating and managing user groups
- Creating and managing device groups
- Creating and managing shared device groups
- Creating and managing public device groups
- Creating and managing shared iPad groups
- Managing Chrome OS devices in BlackBerry UEM
- Set up BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
- Managing user roles for BlackBerry UEM Self-Service
- Customize the user list
- BlackBerry Docs
- BlackBerry UEM 12.21
- Managing administrators, users, and groups
- Creating and managing administrator roles
Creating and managing administrator roles
You can assign pre-configured roles to administrators, or you can create custom roles to meet your organization’s requirements. You must be a Security Administrator to create custom roles, view information about a role, change role settings, rank roles, and delete roles.